Three Cap Monte is a “magical game” between a kid and an adult. Three baseball caps and a card with a picture of a baseball on it are introduced. The card is placed into one of the hats and the hats are mixed up. No matter which cap the kids pick they can always find the baseball card. The adult on the other hand can never pick the cap with the card in it. At the end the kids have three points for each time they spotted the baseball and the adults have none so you give the adults a point for each time they made the baseball disappear. At the end the Baseball is found hanging on the adult’s back.
Three Cap Monte
Includes 3 Creative Magic Change Caps
Three Cap Monte is a “magical game” between a kid and an adult. Three baseball caps and a card with a picture of a baseball on it are introduced. The card is placed into one of the hats and the hats are mixed up. No matter which cap the kids pick they can always find the baseball card. The adult on the other hand can never pick the cap with the card in it. At the end the kids have three points for each time they spotted the baseball and the adults have none so you give the adults a point for each time they made the baseball disappear. At the end the Baseball is found hanging on the adult’s back.
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